Resize All Images from given Source

Create new file and put below code in this file.

// PHP Configuration
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
ini_set('max_execution_time', 30000);

//Initial settings, Just specify Source and Destination Image folder.

$file_dir = 'E:\demo image';
$save_dir_name = 'New Folder';
$fixedWidth  = 650;
$fixedHeight = 650;
$maxWidth    = 650;
$maxHeight   = 650;


function check_is_dir_or_file($file_dir){
$files = array();
global $save_dir_name;

$folder = opendir($file_dir);

  while ( $file = readdir($folder) ) {
	if ( $file[0] != '.' && $file[0] != '..' ){
		$dir = $file_dir.'\\'.$file;
		if(is_dir( $dir ) && $file != $save_dir_name){
			$files[$file] = $file;

function image_resize($files,$dir){

  global $save_dir_name, $maxWidth, $maxHeight ,$fixedWidth, $fixedHeight;

  $oldDir      = $dir;
  $newDir      = $oldDir.'\\'.$save_dir_name;
  $quality     =  100;
if ( !file_exists($newDir) )
echo "
"; echo $oldDir; foreach ( $files as $key => $value ) { $ext = strtolower(pathinfo($key, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); if ( $ext == 'jpg' or $ext == 'jpeg' or $ext == 'png' ) { if ( resizer($key, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $fixedWidth, $fixedHeight, $oldDir, $newDir, $quality) ) echo '*Resized image: ', $key, '*'; else echo '** Failed to resize image: ', $key, ' **'; } else { if($key != $save_dir_name){ echo '** ', $key, ' is not a jpeg or png **'; } } } } function resizer($fileName, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $fixedWidth, $fixedHeight, $oldDir, $newDir, $quality) { $file = $oldDir.'/'.$fileName; //print_r($file);exit; $fileDest = $newDir.'/'.$fileName; list($width, $height) = getimagesize($file); if ( $fixedWidth ) { $newWidth = $fixedWidth; $newHeight = ($newWidth / $width) * $height; } elseif ( $fixedHeight ) { $newHeight = $fixedHeight; $newWidth = ($newHeight / $height) * $width; } elseif ( $width < $height ) { // image is portrait $newHeight = $maxHeight; $newWidth = ($newHeight / $height) * $width; } elseif ( $width > $height ) { // image is landscape $newWidth = $maxWidth; $newHeight = ($newWidth / $width) * $height; } else { // image is square $newWidth = $maxHeight; $newHeight = $maxHeight; } $extn = strtolower(pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $imageDest = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight); // jpeg if ( $extn == 'jpg' or $extn == 'jpeg' ) { $imageSrc = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); if ( imagecopyresampled($imageDest, $imageSrc, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height) ) { imagejpeg($imageDest, $fileDest, $quality); imagedestroy($imageSrc); imagedestroy($imageDest); return true; } return false; } // png if ( $extn == 'png' ) { imagealphablending($imageDest, false); imagesavealpha($imageDest, true); $imageSrc = imagecreatefrompng($file); if ( imagecopyresampled($imageDest, $imageSrc, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $width, $height) ) { imagepng($imageDest, $fileDest, ($quality / 10) - 1); imagedestroy($imageSrc); imagedestroy($imageDest); return true; } return false; } }